You know, it's interesting having a blog - it sort of replaces the end of year letter with regular updates throughout the season. I love seeing what my nieces and nephews and brothers and sisters (on both sides of our family) are doing throughout the year.
But I also love getting hard copies of family photos with the Christmas cards that I receive each year. It is nice to be able to put them up where we can enjoy them for a few weeks and look at how everyone's family is growing.
So because of the blog and because my holiday season has been shortened a bit due to traveling for my sister's wedding, I am posting the Christmas letter I might have mailed! Cards are still going out - but without the traditional letter. :-)
KENNA, age 1:
We have loved, loved, loved watching Kenna grow this year. It's been so long since we've had a tiny baby in our home and it was a treat we weren't sure we'd be able to have again. So it was a precious gift to experience all those little firsts with her this year. I don't know, did we take enough pictures of her? She has definitely been the joy of the year for us.
She says "da-da" for most things (cats, dogs, cars, etc), but has a special way of saying it for her daddy. I'm working on getting her to say mama. So far, no luck. She is learning to sign her needs and can do the sign for "more", "all done" and waves. She's probably the friendliest baby we've ever had. She likes to give kisses and will hand them out to whomever is around (be they perfect strangers or not). She's the first child that I've been able to hand off without her bursting in a fit of tears over leaving me.
LOGAN, age 5:
Logan has developed into a wonderful little man. Instead of a small child, he now often falls into the category of big kid in the family. Out of necessity (especially with Hannah starting school this fall) he has learned to help more around the house. He can empty a dishwasher, set the table, clear the table, put food away, sweep (kind of), clean a bathroom tolerably well, move laundry from one machine to another (and start the dryer), make his bed, get himself ready for the day completely, do addition like a champ, and is starting to learn to read. It's been a busy year of learning for him! He soaks up knowledge about the great outdoors through exploration and reading books. He's our bundle of energy and a great big bunch of laughs. He's definitely holding his own as the male in the family. He loves to follow his dad around with his toolbox and help dad with fixit project.
BRYNNE, age 8:
Brynne is the nurturer in the family. She has always tended in that direction. She loves to bake and has started helping me much more in the kitchen. By the end of next year I'm hoping to hang up my chef's hat! Well, not completely, but she is learning a lot! She has grown a lot in her ability to be less shy and reserved. She is still quiet and that is good! But she is braver. She talks to strangers! She's learning to raise her voice and she participates in group activities like she never has before. We discovered at Disneyland that she has no fear. She can ride roller coasters with the best of them!
She played her second season of soccer this year, which I was lucky enough to be able to help with as assistant coach. We had a good time with that. She loves to climb the trees in the backyard - as high as I'll let her go. The talent she's been working on this year is head-stands. She can balance really, really well for quite a long time.
HANNAH, age 10:
This has been a very busy year for Hannah - particularly when school started in August. I think she'll be glad to return to homeschooling next year but this has been a great experience for her. I've seen some very positive growth and we've faced new challenges and she has dealt with them wonderfully. Hannah is very capable. She is the one that I know can do most everything almost as well as I can. After another year (with another baby) I'm sure she will! Hannah has made lots of friends at school. She has also gotten more comfortable in the 4H world (especially as a Junior Officer) and that is helping fill her social needs this year. I've missed having her around, though. Her life is getting busier and I'm getting hints of what happens when children grow up. It is exciting and sad all at the same time!
She has continued with her piano lessons this year and is making excellent strides. She definitely has a knack for it. She also loves to sing, and sang a duet with her dad in our ward primary program this year.
This was Josh's first full year in his new Church calling. He continually impresses me with the stresses he is able to handle and the wonderful way he balances all the different requests for his time. He is home enough that we never feel we are being short-changed when he is out helping others. That's a tough balancing act but he is wonderful at it. One thing I've learned is that he is a good teacher. I have had the privilege of sitting through lessons and talks he's given this year and I am always learning something new. He is a really smart guy with a gentle, caring heart. Can't say enough good stuff about that man I married. :-)
If you want to find out more about how he sees the world, you can visit his own blog (which I link to in the sidebar under Josh's Opinion blog).
This year has been one of adjustments for me. Adjusting to having a new baby after so many years without was a big one. I didn't realize just how used to life without a baby I had gotten!
Adjusting to the shock of finding myself expecting another baby before I had expected was another adjustment. My emotions have been very near the surface, which is unusual for me. I've done a lot of thinking and pondering about life. Why do some things happen to some people and not others? Why do we go through the trials we go through? Why are some people's trials another person's blessings? How can we be grateful for the life we are given?
I've been both scared and excited about adding a new member to our family. But one thing I do know, is that I feel grateful to have the opportunity.
I have spent this year homeschooling the kids as always. Even Hannah, though she is in public school, still needs and receives a lot of my attention. I spend a lot of time perfecting my routines and staying focused on the personal, spiritual, and educational goals that Josh and I have set for our family. I've been participating in several bookclubs and have enjoyed being exposed to new sorts of literature. All in all, I manage to keep myself out of trouble.
Some of the fun stuff that we have done this year includes
**A trip to Yosemite for Josh and I (and Kenna).
**A two-week family vacation to Utah/Idaho/Washington/Oregon (yep, we made the circuit) where we spent time with our families and good friends. It was on this trip that I started feeling extra tired and a little nauseous. Warning!
**In October we took the family to Disneyland. It was the first time we'd taken the kids and it was a blast.
**This December I am taking the children to Oregon for my sister's wedding. Then we'll stay for Christmas and Josh will join us later for that. It's been quite a few years since I've traveled for Christmas and I'm excited to spend this wonderful season with my family.
There have been several personal experiences that have made me grateful for the Savior; grateful to know of Him and of the Plan of Salvation. Without that knowledge, life would be so much harder. I have been sad for people who are struggling through dark times without that hope. I'm excited to celebrate Christmas and be happy about the birth of Jesus Christ. I'm excited to share that love with my children and husband this year.
Truly enjoyed the letter!
Have a safe trip to Oregon and tell your family hello!
Thank you so much for the insight to your wonderful family, the photos and videos. Joe and I are so happy for all of you, specially with the new baby to come. We knew Josh's family had to be a special as he is. We want no one else directing our future financially. Nancy and Joe McGlothlan from Shady Cove, Oregon
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