
Thursday, November 4, 2010

October Fun

 I love dressing up.  But I hate having my kids come home with huge buckets of candy that I'm not supposed to eat.  How unfair is that?!!

Kenna was around to do pumpkins for the first time.  She thought that was pretty cool.
  Natalie missed it - she was in bed already - so maybe next year!

This year we had a pretty low-key Halloween.   The kids chose their own costumes.  A couple were purchased at the thrift store.  The rest were concocted from our dress-up stash.  We did trunk-or-treating at the Church on Friday night.

Natalie - Elephant

Kenna - Fairy Princess (her own idea)

Logan - Harry Potter (isn't he handsome?)

Brynne - Mad Scientist

Hannah - Hawaiian Princess


Heather Winegardner said...

I was REALLY naughty with the candy this year. First time ever opening the packages and digging in a week before Halloween. Oh well, what's done is done and I enjoyed every last bite!

Heather Winegardner said...

PS: Your kids all looked so super cute!

Sarah said...

Hey! I recognize Kenna's wings. :D I'm glad she's enjoying them, I sure had fun with them. Everyone looks super cute, way to go, Kelly Bells!