Hmmm. Oh yes. I finished reading Anne of Green Gables aloud to Brynne and Logan. What a wonderful book! It is definitely a personal classic for me (the definition of a classic being a book that you can read repeatedly and get something out of every time). Not only are the descriptions of the countryside absolutely amazing, but there was some fodder for good, deep thoughts. The kids and I had some great discussions on pride, hope, determination, love, and even death. To finish our Anne reading, we made our own Avonlea Times newspaper. It turned out so cute. Among other things, Logan did a comic strip of Diana puking her guts up after imbibing on too much currant wine, and Brynne did some fabulously funny ads for products.
Our big topic of the week was writing. Making the newspaper and writing articles was part of that. Brynne and Logan also wrote a poem together.
Mr. Rhinoceros
His slobber drips like a hose.
What he eats nobody knows,
But he eats a lot...and it shows!
His horn often glows
So he can't see past
The end of his nose.
He prances around
And strikes a pose
Wearing purple slippers
covered in bows.
Some people say
He smells like a rose
But they obviously haven't
Smelled his toes!
Our new couch arrived on Wednesday. Finally - seating for the whole family in our living room!! We grabbed the coffee table from Josh's office, since he won't have room for it in his new space, and we'll see how we like it in the living room. Mom requested you go!
Don't you love my neighbor's red door (in the above photo)? I do! I'm a wee bit jealous!
The odyssey of the mind stuff continues full force as we get down to the last couple of weeks. I'll be so glad when it's over!
Logan had his first Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts last night and received his Bobcat award. Loads of fun and TONS of yummy food! We had to pin him upside down...he could turn his pin right side up after he did a good turn. He managed to rectify that by the end of the night!
I went to a Primary training meeting on Saturday. I had to laugh when they handed out the packet of information. It was all information that I put together when I was primary president four years ago. I am pretty sure they have no idea where it came from. There's a letter that I wrote to my teachers with some EXCELLENT quotes from a Henry B. Eyring conference talk (Oct 2002), and a slew of teaching ideas and suggestions that I stole from my friend Katie. If any of you are primary teachers and would like Katie's ideas - which I had totally forgotten I had - I'd be happy to send them to you. Katie taught both preschool and special needs - and she's an expert in getting kids to focus and stay engaged!
Josh managed to tweak his neck this past week. After four miserable days of not being able to move his head (yes, he did look like an automaton), he gave in and called the sister in our ward who practices deep tissue massage. She isn't just your standard massage therapist, although she can do that too. She studied a particular branch of therapy that I've had a chance to research a bit and it's really, really interesting. She worked in SLC in conjunction with Primary Children's Hospital healing babies who'd suffered birth trauma - her stories are fascinating. Anyway, she worked on Josh for awhile - I got to sit in and observe and learn a bit - and by the end of the session he could move his head with almost full range of motion. It's not completely better, but it was good enough that he could drive to Cloverdale today for their Ward Conference.
My two little girls are fighting off colds. We've been eating oranges up the wazoo (ouch!) but it hasn't kept us 100% healthy. Natalie's been unusually clingy and grumpy. Kenna maintains a relative amount of cheerfulness, but she hasn't slept well so she has meltdowns suddenly. I guess that's part of why I feel so tired after this week.
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