
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy General Conference weekend!

Wasn't conference fantastic?  I'm looking forward to reading over those talks.  Lots of good stuff.

In other news....we had a good week.  On Thursday we enjoyed the first day in MONTHS where there was no scheduled activity for one of the kids after 3pm.  It was so nice when 3pm rolled around and I was not running anyone anywhere.  I'm so glad that Odyssey is winding down.  Brynne's completely done, and Hannah's team does not need to spend time perfecting their project (just raising money).  We're getting there.

School news -
We're doing a quick study of Ancient Israel this week.  It meshes with all the other studies we've done this year (Ancient Egypt and Rome particularly).  Then a quick study of Ancient India to finish up our study of ancient cultures.  We're going to move right into American History next month, which is our subject for the summer.  I always pick my most favorite subjects for our summer studies so that I stay somewhat motivated to actually do it!  Here it's actually pretty easy - we do school on foggy days and play on sunny days.  Makes for some nice breaks!

Math has been going really well.  All the kids are doing great.  Hannah has fallen in love with Khan Academy.  I find it really helpful to have "Sal" explain the concepts to her. ;-)  Math isn't exactly my strong suite.  I'm getting better, but I need to review!

Brynne's going to start a unit on photography, including how cameras work.  She's loving her birthday camera!  Her violin teacher praises her music progress each week.  She sure loves her violin!  She even sounded out the music to "Star Trek- Voyagers".  Yes, that's totally her father's influence.  Although, he's just catching up with me (I've seen all the episodes - thanks to my Dad).  Josh watches them on Friday and Saturday nights with the kids.  Too cute.

Church News -
Logan had his baptism interview he's good to go for April 8th.  Can't believe my third child is getting baptized!  He's such a tiny little guy I forget how old he is sometimes.

In addition, Hannah has been studying up and preparing to receive her patriarchal blessing, and she had her Bishop's interview for that today.   I'm really grateful for wonderful YW leaders (both stake and ward) who have helped inspire her.

Kenna and Natalie have started sharing a room.  It's been working out so fabulously!  Right now they are in Natalie's room, and Kenna's just camping out in a sleeping bag.  At some point I'll have to do a major room rearrange and move Logan to the small bedroom and put the girls together in the back bedroom.  The good news about that room is that it's virtually sound-proof from the rest of the house.  ;-)

I had to include this picture of Natalie and Peyton.  She still remembers her sweet little cousin!  The kids are all still talking about the week their cousins came.  :-)

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