
Friday, February 10, 2012


Today I was searching through some old posts looking for a few memories and I stumbled upon THIS ONE.

I had forgotten that I had written that.  In fact, as I read through and realized that it's been only a little over two years since I wrote that, I can't believe how much has changed.  I still have bad Sundays, but now it's just one kid who's the challenge - Kenna has pretty much outgrown all of that behavior.  And in a year probably Natalie will be done too.   It really does fly by.  And I think just like the pain you experience when you give birth, you really do forget the bad parts somewhat and remember the good parts.  Remember and cherish.

Today I had a really precious moment with Hannah.  Too precious, really, to write here (don't worry, it will go in my real journal).  But I will mention something.  We had a long, long hug.  And it triggered memories of her sweet little self cuddling up in my arms.  It seems so long ago in some ways, and at the same time as though I just blinked my eyes.  I feel pretty lucky to be able to experience some of that babyhood with Natalie at the same time that I'm getting glimpses of the finished product with Hannah.

1 comment:

Heather Winegardner said...

So it does get better? Oh good. :-)