
Monday, August 20, 2012


We are in the final week until school starts.

Today I have a local repairman coming to look at my washing machine today.  Here's hoping that he can fix it and I don't have to wait two weeks for a Sears repairman to make his way out to FB.

We met the charter school's middle school teacher, through whom Brynne will be doing Independent Study. It looks like it's going to be a great fit for her.  We have a lot more flexibility than through the regular public school independent study program, and also she can go on campus for any and every activity that she's interested in.  The teacher seems really nice.  It's only her second year at the school - she's a young 'un.  Brynne liked her.  We'll see how it goes.

We had Stake Conference this weekend.  Our new patriarch was called - Brother McKell.  No surprise there.  I'm pretty sure everyone in the stake had a feeling it would be him.  7 of his 8 children were there, I think, to see him set apart.  Fun for them!

Yesterday on the way home from Ukiah we listened to Brother Brad Wilcox's talk "His Grace is Sufficient".  Josh and I listened to it awhile ago on a drive home from Oregon.  This time we wanted to share it with the older kids.  We paused halfway through as we stopped at the Willits ward building so that Josh could drop something off for Bishop McFadden.  I turned to the kids and asked how they were liking the talk.  They enthusiastically replied, "it's great!  I'm liking it!".  So there you go.  Two thumbs up from the Richardson family.

I've been going through some serious ups and downs this summer.  Life has had it's challenges having an extra family living here.  There have been other things influencing my emotions as well.  BUT here's what I've learned.
1.  Birth Control pills - I'm on them temporarily and I'll tell you what...  I told my doctor I was so grumpy, tired, & moody all the time I wasn't sure I could do it.  She said to start taking them at night.  It's made all the difference.  All. The. Difference.  I feel like a different person - even on those nights Natty has kept me up, the next day I still feel 100 times better than I did before.

2.  Prayer - when the Lord asks you to make a sacrifice he does not leave you  hanging.  He does, however, often wait for you to ask before he steps in.  I found that I was praying for the wrong thing.  When I started praying for the right thing, it was like light bursting through storm clouds.

Today Nicole thanked me for letting them live here.  She was crying.  It was emotional.  She told me just how much it has helped her family.  It made me feel a little guilty about the times I've wished they could just move into their new house.  But on the other hand, it's not every time that we get to see the direct results of our service, and that in itself is a blessing.  Since the day I met this woman, I have felt an unusual connection or pull; a sense of responsibility towards her.  I have no idea why.  It has just really mattered to me how she was doing.   There have been a lot of times in my life I have known what people needed (money, food, a job), but known that I was not the one prepared to fill that need.  It's a hard thing for me to feel that I can't help someone in need even when I want to.  I've prayed for opportunities to serve.  Those prayers were answered in a big, unexpected way this summer.  I didn't always handle it with the grace and cheerfulness that I would have liked.  It's been humbling.  We think we want to serve.  Do we put restrictions or boundaries on when and where and how we will serve?  My children have been tremendous about this.
 Brynne and Hannah have welcomed Kylee and Taylor into the pack of little girls with open arms.  They play and read stories to all the little girls.  They let all the kids hang out with them and their friends.  Wow, right?
Logan has refereed their plays and their fights.  He's had to live with SIX girls this summer.  Kid deserves a medal.  ;-)
Kenna and Nat were completely overwhelmed at first by the noise, the fun, the constant sharing of toys.  They've figured things out.  They love these girls like sisters.

At first, I was determined to keep Nicole's presence here quiet.  But it quickly became obvious that was impossible.  Still, we told as few people as we needed to.  We didn't want to sound like we were seeking for praise.  I want to express my thanks to those who are far away, who have supported us with words of encouragement and listened to me on my down days.  I also want to thank Josh's parents who have let us crash every weekend at their house this summer (yeah, they made their own sacrifices this summer).  ;-)  While most of that was necessary because of the abundance of summer activities we had going on, it also turned out to be a blessing for both Nicole and myself.  It gave her quiet time without seven extra people around all the time (I can't imagine how challenging this has been for her - I would have gone crazy).

So, thank you all for everything.  I love knowing that we have such a supportive group of family and friends.  After watching Nicole struggle alone, with little family support and few friends, I've seen just how incredible a blessing we have in all of YOU.


Heather Winegardner said...

Thanks for the post. I love the raw, real posts. Sorry you've had some downs this summer. I was so very impressed when you took in a family, and frankly a little jealous that you had the opportunity to be of such meaningful service. All I can ever do is bring cookies or something. But I guess there were sacrifices too that I hadn't considered. You're an amazing person@

Marc and Megan said...

I just love you, Kelly! I think you deserve to give yourself more credit and see that surely the Lord is very pleased with the efforts you're making and also understands the stress that sometimes comes with certain sacrifices. From where I stand you're doing amazing and going that extra mile (and then some).

And, I love that talk by Brother Wilcox! So good.