
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teensie-weensie update

Hannah spent yesterday and today studying at Josh's office for a good portion of the day.  Holy cow.  She said she's much more productive without all of us distracting her.  I beg your pardon!  I do not distract anyone!  I just let the kids distract her!

As for me, well, I'm....surviving.  Sniff.  It's not fair that I've spent all these years raising and training a perfect child, just to hand her over to Josh so that they can read great literature and talk about it as much as they want.  Not fair at all.

Actually, Monday was really nice.  Today has been less nice because I have a scratchy throat and I'm spending all day working on Kenna's birthday dinner tonight.

Here is her unfrosted cake.  See the bite Kenna snuck out of it?

Pictures of our birthday girl tomorrow!  I promise.

1 comment:

Natty said...

I would have to agree, absolutely adorable!