
Saturday, March 26, 2011

When the Relatives Came

The title of this post references a sweet children's book by Cynthia Rylant.  Check it out if you haven't!

We just enjoyed a fun, crazy visit with two of my sisters and their combined three children.  I absolutely loved having my sisters to talk to for an entire week (!!!!) and I know my children enjoyed having cousins to play with.  I think the only downside to the visit was that it rained the ENTIRE time, and I think the little boys had cabin-fever by the end of the week.  Fort Bragg doesn't have anywhere to take children when it rains - except the aquatic center, which wasn't an option for us with all the little ones (and no swimsuits).  But it still worked out and I'm glad that they were willing to make the 10+ hour drive that included winding roads and the emptying of car-sick tummies.  Maybe in another five years they'll have forgotten that part of the trip and be ready to attempt the drive again.

Memorable moments include:  Asher's webshooters, Peyton's gorgeous smile, and Brennan's Lego-love.

Oh, and Heather....I never once got to feel your baby kick!  I'm a little disappointed about that so if you could just hurry back before you deliver in four weeks, that'd be great!

Just FYI - getting everybody to smile at one time was pretty much impossible. 

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