
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Playing Catch-Up

I've been miserable at taking pictures lately.  Our camera is dying a slow, but certain, death - and it's so unmotivating to to take pictures that might not look so nice.  Brynne's camera is working better than ours.  So maybe I"ll steal some pictures from her.

Last week we received our summer order of fruit.  2 boxes of apples, 1 each of tomatoes, pears, and peaches.  The kids helped me make applesauce with the first box of apples.

We sent Hannah off to school yesterday.  I love this part-day thing we've got.  The early send-off motivates us to get up and moving at a decent hour - not that we've really been lazy in the past, but we are definitely up earlier this year.  And yet, she's home a little after 11am and to finish her schoolwork and we get to spend time as a family before the crazy afternoon stuff starts.

Our new schedule is very ambitious.  I'm almost scared to share it here for fear it really doesn't work out.  BUT, here's what's going on right now:

wake-up by 6am.
Get ready for day and music practice for older girls. I make breakfast.
7am - eat and family scriptures/prayers
7:40 - Hannah out the door to school
8am - Josh to work
We do family jobs, projects, errands, and personal reading etc in the morning.
11:30 - lunch
12:30 - naps!  mom school starts for older kids
2:30 or 3:00 - end school.  Get ready for afternoon activities/classes, etc.,  AND make dinner.
5:30 dinner
6:30 get little girls ready for bed (down by 7pm), older kids are taking showers and doing their jobs
7:30 - read aloud to older kids
8:30 - all kids in bed.
9:30 - Josh and I head to bed

Yesterday after the school send-off, I got my bread started and then we went to the Botanical Garden.  It's kind of a back-to-school tradition of ours.  It's a great way to celebrate the flexibility of our educational choice and still make it a special school day.  Plus, it's Dahlia season and what could be better than dinner-plate sized dahlias in August!!???!!!

1 comment:

Jelllo said...

I actually really appreciate the schedule. It gives me a realistic idea of what the heck to expect when I have a bigger family and am home schooling. Wow, though. Good for you guys!