
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rambling News

We've been home for almost 1.5 weeks, but it really doesn't feel like that yet.   I have a cute video of our experience at Gibralter with the Apes.

We've been dealing with soccer sign-ups and other related issues.  My three oldest kids are playing this year.  Yes, I may go crazy.  Luckily, Brynne and Hannah are on the same team.  But I have to admit that every time the girls do something extra-curricular, it  makes my life more difficult because I lose my babysitters.  Practices start next week.  At least the girls can ride their bikes.  But I'm potentially the assistant coach for their team so I've got some logistics to figure out.

We lost our chickens a few days ago.  Very sad.  I try not to dwell on it.

Big News!  I just registered Hannah at the Middle School for 8th grade (yikes).  It's a bittersweet thing for all of us.  We're excited for the electives and other activities in which she'll be able to participate.  We're sad about giving up some of the awesome programs she's been using for her studies.  Hopefully we can keep/supplement with some of them.  I have to talk to her supervising teacher about our options there.  Anyway.  If we lived in a larger town we would still be homeschooling.  But here in FB, if you don't go to public school, you can't do anything extra - that's where everything is headquartered.  It stinks, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.  Again, I'll be somewhat tied to the public school schedule, which is not my most favorite thing.  BUT...Hannah can get herself to and fro so I won't have to worry about her too much.  We can choose which classes, if any, she does on campus.
Pool time!

Brynne decided to stay with me another year (yay!) and we are going to have so much fun.  I've got a CA History curriculum to do with Brynne and Logan that's going to rock + we'll be taking field trips!!  Hannah can sit in on that stuff if she has time.

I've been taking too many photos of Natalie lately...but she's been so adorable.  I love her chunkiness.  Kenna's outgrown it (well, she was never that chunky actually), so I just have to savor Natty's for as long as I can.

Love the farmer tan!

I measured Hannah last week because I (*gasp*) forgot to do it when she turned 13.  Since her 12th birthday she's grown 4 inches.  She's one inch shy of being as tall as I am.  That would explain why I felt like I was constantly buying her clothes over the past year.  She made a thorough move out of children's clothing and into adult clothing (and shoes!!).  We wear the same shoe size now.  She can wear my clothes (they're loose), but I can't wear hers.  Look at this adorable shirt and belt ensemble she put together yesterday (forgive the unflattering facial expression...I caught her unawares).  Growing up!!

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