
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekly Round-up

It's been a super long week.  I'm tired!  And craving sweets.  Which usually means I haven't been eating healthy enough.

School for all the kids is going well.  I'm ready to get fully into the swing of things.  I'd kind of been waiting for our guests to move out and regular life to resume.  Of course, now I'm getting ready to head out on vacation, so I think I'll use this week as a planning week and start full throttle when I get back.  I am going to be going walking in the mornings with the kids (and a friend and her kids) and I'm looking forward to that.  It's been a long time since I've had another mom to walk with in the mornings!

5:30am Saturday morning found Josh at the emergency room with Logan.  Logan had his first respiratory-induced asthma attack in about four years, so of course I didn't have an inhaler for him anymore.    Poor kid was a little scared by not being able to get much air in his lungs.  Luckily, the emergency room was empty and they were home in 45 minutes (and that included stopping for donuts on the way back).  I made him skip his soccer game today.  I really thought he'd outgrown this.  The funny thing is, I had no idea he had a cold because he wasn't demonstrating any symptoms (though Brynne and Kenna have) and he didn't tell me he was congested or anything.

Also on Saturday we had a yard sale at our Bishop's house.  All the proceeds are going towards Girls Camp next year.  We raised over $800 for camp, which is what we needed, so we are pretty happy about that.

Let's see.  Hannah is doing a weekly internship at the radio station next door to her school.  She is pretty excited about that.  On her first day she got to record a "PSA" which I believe is radio-speak for Public Service Announcement.  She did the talking, and helped choose music, and learned how to record it and stuff.  Sounded fun!  She's also started Jazz band which means twice a week after school (notably, on the same days as both soccer and Brynne's violin class, so those are CRAZY busy afternoons for us).

Brynne finished her first of 10 learning periods (how the school year is broken down) and got lots of smilies from her teacher for her excellent work.  She started another art class, similar to the one she and Hannah took this summer.  She's made a new friend in soccer - a fellow home-schooler who is up here living with her grandma.  The grandma likes to take E. out and about and they've started inviting Brynne out for beach days, nature walks, farmer's market visits...and they always seem to be hungry and need to eat pizza before it's over.  Man!  I wish I had a friend like that, right?!!  E. is a very cute, very shy, darling little girl and Brynne is enjoying getting to know her.

Logan is....well, still Logan!  He's so adorable and funny.  He's working really hard in school.  I'm focusing on some of his problem subjects this year and he's being a super-trooper about it.  I'm trying to make subjects that he's tried to avoid seem more interesting.  It's not always easy for me, as he and I have completely different learning styles.   I'm a reader and he's a do-er.  But we're figuring it out.  Cub Scouts is seriously the very BEST program for little boys.  I had no idea how awesome it is.  And I've been trying to give him more, bigger, harder work to do that's actually interesting to him (things like deck-staining and firewood-sawing).  We're reading the book "Little Britches" by Ralph Moody and it's inspiring him in these projects.  Ralph is always trying to do a man's work - and often does (at least as well as an eight year old boy can).  I think it's giving Logan some perspective that for most of history, life wasn't about video games and sports for little boys.

Kenna has been a little sick and has taken 3 hour naps every day that we've had time for her to have a nap.  She naps, Natalie plays.  Nat needs the least sleep of any of my kids.  I'm doing preschool with both of the girls.  At this age, the developmental differences can be larger than you'd think.  Kenna has lots of interest in learning alphabet letters and doing projects.  Natalie's attention span is noticeably shorter for these things.

I'm thinking of re-trying the toilet training with Natalie.  I've been waiting for the craziness of summer to end, and now I'll wait until after one last vacation.  I don't know what happened, other than that I think she just plain lost interest in her ability to use the bathroom, because I know that she can do it.  Silly girl.

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